Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Awesome giveaways...

Go to this website and see....

Wednesday, November 17, 2010



So, the story started when Jarom asked me if he could bring his little…”LITTLE”…Toy Story 3 lego figures (The bear, aliens, pig, and WOODY) to the park. We were going to play soccer so of course I said no because I didn’t want him to lose them. So, before we left I noticed that he had them in his pockets and I told him again that he couldn’t take them. Then he was about to put them on my bed so I told him not to because my bed isn’t a dumping zone. Those of you with boys can understand that! If there’s a spot without toys they for some reason think that they can play with their toys there…no matter where it is! I thought he was going to then go to his room or the playroom and put them there. Then we all went potty and Jarom hopped on his bike and Malachi and Eden got in the wagon (Eden in her carseat of course) and we left for the park.

On the way we saw a smart car (personally I think they’re dumb cars, but that’s just me) and Jarom was so fascinated with the car that he fell off the curb (no injuries, he fell very well)! I had to make a stop at a friend’s house and return a necklace I had barrowed and when we got there Jarom told my friends husband that he had his Toy Story toys in his pockets. Ok, he had one in each pocket of his sweatshirt and in his pants that had Velcro pockets. In my head I thought he’ll probably lose one but I didn’t do anything about it.

We then went across the street to the park and played soccer. We were playing for a little bit when he for some reason took out the toys in his sweatshirt and showed me and I put them in his pants pocket that velcroed shut. I thought he lost a coin from the pig but I didn’t know what he had brought and he didn’t notice. My son is by far the laziest soccer player I’ve ever seen!!!! I think we played for 5 minutes when he said he was sooooooooo tired and he fell to the ground on his back! So he drank some water and we went to the play ground.

All of a sudden of course right after I sat down he yells from the top of the slide, “MY WOODY TOY IS GONE!!!!!!!” In my head there is a mixture if regret and anger, so I immediately say, “Didn’t I tell you not to bring it? (This is the part where I felt like my mom, and I remembered as a child hearing it and hating it so much I swore never to say it…but of course I did..Here goes…)That’s what happens when you don’t listen to you mom!!!!” so I start mumbling things under my breath, and call them both down and made them go to the grass to look for it. Jarom runs to look. I lug the wagon and bike, and Malachi comes after he’s been threatened :) . It’s 5:10 and getting dark so I couldn’t let Malachi stay over there. We search as best we can and I’m praying in my head for help to find it. Then I decided to ask Jarom what we do for help. And I asked him who we should ask. He immediately said Heavenly Father and Jesus. So, He said a prayer and afterwards I heard him whispering as he was looking, “Heavenly Father please come down here and help me find my toy who is woody.” He was so sweet!!!! He told me they needed to come down here and help and I had to tell him they don’t literally come down they send the Holy Ghost. And I explained who that was. We looked for a bit and it was getting too dark and we had to go home. Then I told him maybe we can come tomorrow and look and he has to listen to his mommy and if he listens, stuff like that won’t happen.

Then I remembered that he had fallen on the way to the park so I told him it might have fallen out when we were on the way to the park and that made him feel better. And the whole time I was praying it was there. But, when we got to the spot where he fell it wasn’t there. I said maybe some kid from the park saw it and took it. Jarom said “Maybe the kid who steeled it will bring it to my house” I told him it’s not steeling if it’s in the street and you don’t have your name on it. he said “it’s to little to write my name on it.” then we got home and I made him pull his bike up the drive way and park it in the shed when suddenly he fell apart and started bawling “I WANT MY WOODY!!!!!! I WANT HIM!!!!!!” It was so sad. My heart melted. Les took him and helped him calmed down.

I felt the pain in my gut from when I would lose things as a child. But when you’re so little or young you don’t even know what to do. I still remember things I’ve lost and I still remember how I felt, but now I know what I should have done but it’s too late. I didn’t want that to happen to Jarom, I wanted to find that toy for him so he didn’t have to feel that way. I told Les I would go after dinner and look for it again. I started making dinner, and Jarom and Malachi started playing with their other toys and pretty much forgot about it. While I was waiting for dinner I was feeding Eden, I couldn’t think of anything else and I was trying to figure out what to do; if I should wait till after dinner or skip dinner or go in the morning or look around the house some more…and what if the landscapers came in the morning and mowed the lawn???? Woody would be destroyed!!! Les said he’d help in the morning at 6:30 but who would want to go out that early with a baby? So, I decided I’d go in the morning when there is light.

We were eating dinner and Jarom got himself a cup of water and Malachi said he was so thirsty so I told him to go upstairs and get his cup. Then he said he’s not thirsty (he didn’t want to get his cup). Then he told Jarom to go get his cup and Jarom said you just said you’re not thirsty. It was funny cause I was thinking the same thing! :) We all sat around the table and started eating. Then I went upstairs to get ready for bunco and as soon as I got ready Les yells, “you wouldn’t guess what Malachi brought to the table” and I immediately say “WOODY?!?!” totally thinking he’s messing with me and that it was probably something else (maybe a dead frog knowing our house!). But it was true, Malachi had found woody!!!!! It had fallen by the pool table and Malachi found him!!!! Woody hadn’t even left the house. YAY!!!! Malachi saved the day.
Jarom yelled out, "Thank you Heavenly Father." Then he said to Les, "Did Heavenly Father here me?" and he folded his arms and prayed again, "Dear Heavenly Father where did you find my Woody?" Then maybe Father came and put it while i was eating so i didn't see him." Then he thought for a while and said, "Maybe Heavenly Father through it back to our house." :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Crime & Punishment

I was heading off to Mutual and left Les with the boys. Les gave one rule; eat your food like a good boy then you can watch rescue rangers. They were both almost finished and Les went upstairs to do something real fast and Jarom marched up the stairs announcing that he had finished eating his food and that Malachi had not. When Les came down and saw Malachi had one bite left and gave it to him. then he asked Jarom where his plate was seeing that it wasn't in the sink or IN THE GARBAGE...then they both left the kitchen went into the living room and suddenly Les hears "leave it Malachi" a thump then Malachi starts crying. Les ran into the room and saw that Jarom was trying to hide his plate of uneaten food under the pool table!!!!! Jarom had to get lectured and go to bed without rescue rangers :( poor guy...had to learn the hard way, but he was pretty clever :)Les said he can watch it tomorrow because he did apologize.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Sorry for those of you that have already read this...i had to write it down officially. I was picking up in the living room and because i'm a bit lazy and used to doing it from when i was pregnant i used my foot to pick up a piece of garbage off of the ground. After i picked up this garbage and took it from between my toes i looked at it and for a split second these thoughts came to my head...Oh i found Eden's umbilical cord, ewww a spider (as i threw it) and as it was being thrown in the air across the room i realized that it was a dead frog. Hard, curled up and in MY LIVING ROOM!!!!! soo sooo nasty! i imediately started screaming and shaking my foot and telling Les to come downstairs and take it. i don't know how long i shook my leg and hopped around screaming EUW EUW EUW! Les ran downstairs and threw away the frog. i wiped my foot with sanitary wipes and washed my hands, but i kept having the chills and gagged for like an hour! My conclusion is that it came from the stroller. We keep the stroller in the shed and there are always "live" frogs in there and once we went to the mall and when i opened this stroller there was a live frog just sitting in one of the seats. so i assume that the frog was in the stroller and when the boys were pushing it around the house-when i repeatedly told them not to-it fell out! SOOOOO GROSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I finally made a family blog!

Ok, some of you know i've been contemplating making a blog and for years i've thought it was pointless but the past few months and weeks have convinced me that we need one. like the frog in my toe incident, the shaving cream in the bathroom and the poop that i found all over my carpet(especially fun when it was the day after) i keep a journal for myself and my kids but those are some funny things that i put on facebook and tell my friends and i should be putting them our journals and i don't! Now i can put them on my blog for all to see and keep them as a journal since the blog is permanent!!!!! Now you might see a rerun sometimes if you are my facebook buddy but i'm sorry, i need to keep these stories for my kids to see when they're grown so they can know how crazy they were and why they ended up the way they did :)